

Charlotte, NC Metro Area

Humidity & Allergens

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3800 Back Creek Church Rd
Charlotte, NC 28213

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Humidity & Allergen Prevention

Allergens are caused by microorganisms that distress the lungs or skin. 

A lot of sensitive people know that when their allergies or asthmas are triggered, they experience numerous kinds of symptoms which often include:

  • Watery eyes
  • Excessive scratching or the urge to itch
  • Sneezing
  • Coughing
  • Wheezing
  • Having a hard time breathing
  • Runny or clogged nose
  • Hay fever
  • Hives

The immediate remedy is, of course, to take the appropriate medication and wait until the symptoms subside. However, this method can only temporarily reduce the stress the person is facing because often the causes of these allergy attacks are still lingering in your home.

The most common type of allergen found in your home is mold. This toxic microorganism loves to grow in dark, damp, and humid spaces – perfect descriptions for your unused basements, attics, and crawl spaces. Although mold is secondary damage caused by the presence of excess water, their presence can become destructive.

Depending on the material it is latched on, it will slowly reduce the strength of its structure – leaving it to break and rot, but the most dangerous aspect of harboring molds is that it can trigger unwanted allergies and asthma – affecting mostly children and the elderly.

Overall cleaning is not enough to reduce the occurrence of these toxic microorganisms from your home. The best solution is to keep your home dry, but with the number of systems and equipment available in the market, it can be difficult to choose the right one. That is why Greenserve recommends you eliminate the problem before it happens.

Moisture is your number one enemy, but with the help of our outstanding moisture control products and services, you can say goodbye to those nasty molds and similar microorganisms. Give us a call at (980) 432-0042 or visit our contact page to get a free estimate today!