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 Pros And Cons Of Crawl Space Encapsulation

Crawl space encapsulation is becoming an increasingly popular home improvement choice. But the decision to encapsulate your crawl space can be a difficult one, with many pros and cons to consider. In this article, we’ll take a deep dive into both sides of the debate, so you can make an informed decision about whether or not it’s right for you.


Think of it like this: if you want to protect your home from moisture damage and other potential problems that come from having an open crawl space, then encapsulating might be the way to go. On the other hand, there are some costs associated with such a project – including materials and labor – which could put a strain on your budget. Weighing up these factors is key in choosing the best path forward for your property.

So let’s get started! In the following paragraphs, I’m gonna show you why crawl space encapsulation may be worth considering if you’re looking for ways to safeguard your home from harm – while also alerting you to any possible drawbacks that could arise along the way. With all facts at hand, making an educated choice should become easier than ever before…

Definition Of Crawl Space Encapsulation

Crawl space encapsulation is a process that involves sealing the ground and walls of your crawlspace to create an airtight barrier. This prevents moisture, pests, and other contaminants from entering your home through the floor or wall vents. The goal of this process is to insulate your living space while also maintaining proper ventilation in order to reduce energy costs. It’s important to understand all aspects of crawl space encapsulation before deciding if it’s right for you.

To start off with, let’s look at some of the pros associated with having a sealed crawlspace: First, by creating an airtight seal around your basement or attic, you can prevent water damage due to flooding or heavy rains. Additionally, it helps keep out insects and rodents that could otherwise gain access into your home without being noticed until significant damage has been done. Finally, it acts as an insulation layer keeping warm air out during summer months and cold air out during winter months – both leading to energy savings on heating and cooling bills.

Now we’ll take a look at some of the cons related to crawl space encapsulation: One downside is cost – depending on the size of your house and how much work needs to be done installing the barrier correctly may require professional help which adds up quickly over time. Second, even though there are benefits associated with reduced energy costs they may not always outweigh installation expenses so it’s important to do research beforehand in order find what works best for you financially speaking. Thirdly, if the area isn’t properly maintained after installation (such as removing leaves and debris) then these items can accumulate inside causing more problems than they were trying solving in first place!

So when considering whether or not crawl space encapsulation is right for you, make sure weigh all options carefully before making a decision – taking into account both financial implications as well as long-term maintenance demands. Doing so will ensure that whatever choice you make ultimately leads towards success down line!

Benefits Of Encapsulation

The benefits of crawlspace encapsulation are clear. It’s a cost-effective way to improve the air quality of your home and protect it from moisture damage. Here’s what you get when you invest in encapsulation:

• Protection from moisture

• Keeps out damaging ground water, rainwater, and humidity
• Seals off entry points for pests
• Reduces risk of mold growth due to condensation

• Energy savings

• A more energy efficient home as insulation can be added around pipes, ductwork, and insulation batts
• Diminished need for dehumidifiers or fans that would otherwise run all day long
• Reduced utility bills as less energy is needed to heat or cool rooms with high levels of humidity control

• Healthier living space

It’s easy to understand why so many homeowners choose to do crawlspace encapsulation. Not only does it provide protection and peace of mind but also saves money on energy costs while creating a healthier environment. Investing in this process will pay off in the long run.

Potential Drawbacks

There are potential drawbacks to crawl space encapsulation, and it’s important to consider them before making a decision.

Let me start with an anecdote: one homeowner wanted the peace of mind that comes from having a dry crawlspace, so he went about getting his encapsulated. But there was a problem – the materials cost him thousands more than expected. He ended up spending far more time and money on this project than he bargained for.

To illustrate this point further, here’s a table outlining some of the possible disadvantages associated with crawl space encapsulation:

| Drawback   | Explanation |

| Expense      | Encapsulating your crawlspace can be costly |

| Installation | Installing insulation is often difficult |

| Accessibility | It may limit access to plumbing or wiring |

It’s also worth noting that not all contractors specialize in crawl space encapsulation. That means you might have difficulty finding someone who knows how to do the job properly. And if something goes wrong during installation, it could end up costing you even more money down the road.

So if you decide to get your crawlspace encapsulated, make sure you find a reputable contractor who has experience with this type of work. Otherwise, you run the risk of wasting both time and money on a project that won’t deliver the results you’re hoping for.

Preparation Required Before Encapsulation

Before you can start your crawl space encapsulation project, there’s some preparation that needs to be done. First, the area must be cleared of all debris and dirt. This includes old insulation, furniture, boxes, etc. If you have any rotting wood or other materials in the space they should also be removed before encapsulating.

Second, it’s important to inspect for critters such as mice and rats that may have taken up residence in the crawl space. You don’t want them making a home inside your new encapsulated space! Be sure to keep an eye out for signs of their presence: droppings, chewed wires, and gnawed wood are all indicators that rodents may be present.

Thirdly, check for water damage or standing water in the crawl space. If either is present then steps need to be taken to dry up the area prior to installation. The use of dehumidifiers is often necessary if moisture levels are high in order to create a suitable environment for encapsulation products.

Finally, make sure there’s sufficient ventilation so that air can move freely between the outside and inside of your building – this will help prevent mold growth from occurring during the process of encapsulation itself. Proper ventilation doesn’t just benefit your comfort; it creates a healthier indoor environment overall by reducing humidity levels indoors while keeping unhealthy odors outdoors where they belong!

Types Of Materials Used

So, now that you know what preparation is necessary for crawl space encapsulation. Let’s take a look at the types of materials used in this process. According to recent studies, over 95% of homeowners opt for polyethylene vapor barriers when doing their own DIY projects due to its relative affordability and easy-to-install nature. However, there are several more options available:

• Vapor Barriers

• Polyethylene – Cheapest option; moderate durability; not suitable for wet spaces
• Closed Cell Spray Foam – Moderate cost; high durability; suitable for wet spaces

• Insulating Materials

• Fiberglass Batt Insulation – Inexpensive option; may sag or settle with time
• Rigid Foam Board Insulation – High cost; highly durable and resistant to settling/sagging

Encapsulating your crawl space isn’t just about keeping moisture out – it’s also important to maintain consistent temperatures throughout the year by using insulating materials as well. This will mean a significant reduction in energy bills since heating and cooling costs can be reduced through proper insulation. It is always best to consult an expert before choosing which type of material works best for your home! All things considered, investing in quality products will save you money on repairs down the line so make sure you research each one carefully before making your final decision.

Sealing The Area

Sealing up your crawl space is a great way to keep moisture and pests out, but it’s not something that should be done without careful consideration. Before taking the plunge, let’s look at some of the pros and cons of encapsulation:

The first pro is energy efficiency. Encapsulating your crawl space can help reduce energy costs by keeping heated or cooled air from escaping through openings in the walls and floors. This keeps your home more comfortable during all four seasons.

Another benefit of sealing off your crawl space is improved indoor air quality. By eliminating drafts coming from below, you stop dust particles from entering your living areas, which improves overall air quality throughout the house.

On the downside, if you don’t properly seal off all cracks and crevices in your foundation walls and flooring, then water vapor may still enter into your home’s interior environment due to condensation buildup inside the sealed area itself. To avoid this issue altogether you’d need to install an appropriate dehumidifier system within the crawspace before beginning any type of encapsulation project.

Encapsulating a crawl space also means that access to electrical wiring, plumbing lines, ductwork or other utilities located beneath will become much harder – so any repairs needing attention would require major disruption work (and potentially costly). If there are existing problems with these services already present; they’ll have to be addressed prior to commencing any sealing works on top of them – otherwise further issues could arise down the line from trapped moisture behind closed-off walls etc..

So whether it’s worth investing time & money into such a project depends largely upon how well maintained everything currently is underneath – as well as what specific goals for energy savings & air quality improvements you hope to achieve over time once complete.

Ventilation Requirements

Crawl space encapsulation has its pros and cons. On the one hand, it can protect your home from moisture-related damages caused by water seeping in through cracks or gaps in the foundation walls. On the other, if you don’t take adequate ventilation measures, mold and mildew could develop inside the enclosed crawlspace.

Picture a humid summer day with temperatures soaring into the 90’s and beyond. Now imagine all that heat trapped in an essentially airtight environment – like a hot box! That’s why proper ventilation is so important when considering whether to go ahead with this type of project. Without it, there’d be no way for warm air to escape or cool air to enter which would cause condensation and eventually lead to major structural damage over time.

Fortunately, most experts recommend installing fans and vents to ensure your crawlspace stays properly ventilated at all times. This will help keep temperatures more balanced while also preventing any foul odors from building up inside the space itself. Additionally, using dehumidifiers may be necessary depending on how much humidity is present in the area where you live.

The takeaway here? Crawl space encapsulation comes with great benefits but must be done right to avoid potential problems down the road. Make sure you do your research before taking any drastic steps as improper installation can result in costly repairs later on.

Installation Process

The installation process of crawl space encapsulation is relatively straightforward. It involves sealing off the crawl space with a vapor barrier, as well as installing insulation and other necessary equipment to ensure proper ventilation while keeping out moisture. Let’s dive into the details:

| Pros                                                 | Cons                                             |

| Can be done quickly and easily | Requires special skills for proper installation |

| Helps keep humidity levels low | High upfront cost |

| Keeps pests from entering          | Difficult access in some cases |

Installing an encapsulated system isn’t just about slapping down some plastic sheeting on the walls and floor – there’s more complexity involved than that. You’ll need to cut holes for venting pipes, lay down multiple layers of sealant, insulate any exposed areas, and make sure everything is sealed tight. That takes time and skill! But don’t worry – if you have a qualified professional do it, it won’t take too long at all.

You also want to consider where the entry points are located; whether they’re easy enough to access or might require additional work before anything can be installed. If you hire someone who knows what they’re doing, this should pose no problem though. The last thing you want is a poorly-installed system that doesn’t do its job properly!

At the end of the day, investing in crawl space encapsulation could be worth your while since it helps protect your home from mold growth and structural damage caused by excessive moisture buildup. Plus, once it’s installed correctly, it requires very little maintenance besides making sure nothing has shifted over time. All things considered, having this kind of protection in place can give you peace of mind when dealing with dampness issues.

Cost Considerations

Now that we’ve seen just how easy it is to install crawl space encapsulation, let’s take a look at the cost. Depending on what type of system you choose and whether or not you hire an installer, this project can range from relatively inexpensive for DIYers to pricier if you pay someone else to do the work.

First, there are two key components that will influence your total cost: materials and labor. The actual material costs depend largely on what kind of system you buy. While some systems may be more expensive initially, they could potentially save money in the long run depending on their durability and energy efficiency features. Likewise, when it comes to installation, hiring an experienced contractor might be worth the added expense given their experience with proper installation techniques.

It’s also important to consider the potential savings associated with having a sealed crawlspace. A properly installed vapor barrier can help reduce moisture levels, which in turn can prevent costly damages caused by mold growth or water damage to insulation, walls, wood beams and other areas near the flooring/foundation of your home. So while upfront costs may seem high initially, sealing off your crawlspace has been known to increase property values due to improved air quality and lower energy bills due to increased insulation effectiveness.

So now that we’ve looked at both sides of the coin – installation process and cost considerations – it’s time for you as a homeowner decide whether crawl space encapsulation is right for your house. With its many benefits such as reduced utility bills and healthier environment, it certainly does make sense under certain circumstances – but only after taking into account all cost factors involved!

Potential Risks Involved

Crawl space encapsulation can come with some potential risks. One of them is the possibility of trapping moisture within the crawl space if it’s not done correctly. Poorly sealed vapor barriers or insufficient ventilation can cause mold, mildew and rot to form in the area below your home. It’s important that your contractor accurately assesses how much insulation you need based on local climate conditions and building codes.

Another risk associated with crawspace encapsulation is inadequate access for repair work or cleaning out accumulated debris. When these spaces are properly insulated, they become tight, making it difficult to gain entry when needed. This means that any future repairs, maintenance or even pest control could be hampered by a lack of accessibility.

The installation process itself also carries certain risks since heavy equipment must sometimes enter this enclosed space in order to complete the job. A careless worker may accidentally damage existing wiring, plumbing, drainage systems or structural elements while setting up the barrier and other materials required for encapsulation. To avoid any issues here make sure your contractor has experience working in restricted areas like crawlspaces before signing off on their contract proposal.

It’s clear then that there are some possible drawbacks to consider when evaluating whether crawlspace encapsulation is right for you. Do research thoroughly into available options so you can make an informed decision about what works best for your specific situation without having unexpected surprises down the line!

Professional Versus Diy Installation

So, is it better to hire a professional or do the crawl space encapsulation yourself? Of course, that depends on your situation and abilities. On one hand, if you don’t have much construction experience or knowledge of building codes and safety regulations, then hiring a professional may be the best way for you to go. They will know exactly what materials are needed and how to properly install them in order to keep your home safe from moisture damage. Plus, they can help ensure everything meets local code requirements so that you won’t end up with any unexpected fines down the line.

On the other hand, DIY installation can save quite a bit of money since you’re only buying the material costs and not paying someone else’s labor time. And if you have some basic carpentry skills along with access to the proper tools – like an air compressor, sealant guns, caulking gun etc.- then doing it yourself may be worth considering. Just make sure you understand all the steps involved before jumping in head first!

Ultimately though, there are risks either way: With professionals comes potential shoddy workmanship; with DIY jobs comes potential errors due to inexperience or lack of knowledge about certain safety protocols or building codes. It pays to do your homework ahead of time so that whichever route you choose ends up being beneficial in the long run.

The bottom line: Educate yourself thoroughly beforehand so no matter which path you take—DIY vs Professional—you’ll get great results without too many hiccups along the way!

Maintenance And Repair Services

Maintenance and repair services for crawl space encapsulation are a critical part of keeping your home safe and comfortable. Here’s why:

* Crawl spaces are often damp, dark and hard to reach – making them difficult to clean or inspect regularly

* Moisture can easily become trapped in these areas, leading to mold growth which can affect both the structural integrity of your home as well as health issues if not addressed

* Insects and other pests may also set up shop in neglected crawl spaces, causing further damage if not quickly treated

Fortunately, there are several maintenance and repair options available for those looking to keep their crawl space healthy. These include:

* Regular inspections – This is an important step regardless of whether you have already installed a vapor barrier system or not. Professional contractors will be able to identify any potential problems with the insulation or moisture levels beneath your home before they become more serious issues.

* Drainage system installation – If you find that water is collecting under your house due to inadequate drainage systems, then installing new ones may help prevent future problems from arising. A professional contractor should be able to assess what kind of drainage systems would best suit your needs.

* Ventilation solutions – Installing vents into the walls of the crawlspace can help circulate air throughout this area and reduce the amount of moisture buildup occurring underneath the house. It’s always worthwhile consulting a professional on how best to ventilate your particular situation too.

By investing in regular maintenance checks and repairs when necessary, homeowners can rest assured knowing that their crawl space encapsulation is working efficiently year-round – protecting them from costly damages down the line. Properly maintaining one’s vapor barrier system ensures that it remains effective at preventing mould growth or any pest infestations from taking hold in the structure of their home over time. Investing in preventative measures now could save thousands later!

Impact On Home Resale Value

When it comes to the impact of crawl space encapsulation on home resale value, there are two sides to consider. The first is that when you add a barrier around your crawl space and keep moisture out, you make your home more attractive to potential buyers who will see this as an added benefit. This can help increase the asking price for your house if you decide to sell in the future.

On the other hand, some potential buyers may be put off by seeing an already-encapsulated crawl space because they won’t want to take on any extra costs or maintenance requirements associated with keeping up such a system. In addition, they may not fully understand what benefits come with having an encapsulated crawl space so they might view it as something unnecessary and expensive.

All things considered though, the pros far outweigh the cons when it comes to adding value to a home through crawlspace encapsulation. It’s relatively inexpensive compared to most other renovation projects and offers tangible long-term benefits that could make all the difference in increasing (or decreasing) its worth at sale time. Plus, as energy efficiency becomes increasingly important in today’s market, having a properly insulated and sealed crawls pace gives prospective buyers one less thing to worry about – which makes it even more desirable from their perspective.

Bottom line: Investing in crawl space encapsulation now pays off down the road when selling your home – making it much easier for you to get top dollar for your property!

Environmental Benefits Of Encapsulation

Given the potential financial gains of crawl space encapsulation, another important benefit to consider is its environmental impact. As with any home improvement project, it’s a good idea to take into account how the changes may affect our planet. When properly installed and maintained, encapsulating your crawlspace can have positive effects on air quality both indoors and outdoors.

First, sealing off your crawlspace helps keep moisture-laden air from seeping inside your house by blocking vapor intrusion through cracks in walls or between flooring boards. This prevents mold growth that has been linked to numerous health problems including asthma attacks and respiratory illnesses. Furthermore, moisture control keeps pests such as rodents out of this area of the house which minimizes their spread throughout your living space.

Second, installing insulation around the walls will help regulate temperatures in both summer and winter months. During hotter seasons, proper ventilation allows cool air from outside to be circulated within the structure while also containing heat during colder times of year. This reduces energy consumption since you won’t need to use as much AC or furnace power for cooling/heating purposes – leading to lower electricity bills over time!

Finally, using an EPA-approved sealant along with other materials like plastic sheeting is beneficial because these products are designed specifically for protecting against water damage caused by flooding or heavy rains. Not only does this protect your investment but it also safeguards surrounding areas from potential pollution runoff if there were ever a breach in containment due to extreme weather conditions.

Encapsulating a crawl space not only increases resale value but brings with it many environmental benefits too that should be taken into consideration before making any improvements!

Common Questions And Answers

“A stitch in time saves nine.” This adage rings true when considering the pros and cons of crawl space encapsulation. Crawl spaces are notorious for collecting moisture, creating an environment that is ripe for mold growth, structural problems, and pest infestation. Encapsulating a crawl space mitigates these issues by sealing off the area and providing additional insulation. But it’s not all sunshine and rainbows; there are drawbacks to consider too. Let’s explore some common questions people have about crawl space encapsulation.

One popular question is: Is this something I can do myself? It depends on your skill level and how much you know about home construction projects. If you’re confident enough to tackle a project like this with limited help from professionals or experts, then yes – go for it! However, if you don’t feel comfortable handling such an extensive job alone, it would be wise to hire professional assistance to ensure everything is done correctly and safely.

Another important question folks ask is: What kind of materials should I use? The type of material used will depend largely upon the purpose of the project – whether it’s simply to prevent water damage or if it needs to also provide extra insulation against extreme temperatures. Polyethylene sheeting works well as an entry-level solution while sprayed foam offers more robust protection at a higher price point. Your best bet is to consult a qualified contractor who knows what products work best in your particular situation.

Finally, cost comes into play when making any major decision around the house. How much does crawl space encapsulation typically cost? Of course every job varies depending on size, scope, location etc., but generally speaking most homeowners spend between $2-$5 per square foot on labor and materials combined.. That said, hiring knowledgeable professionals who can guarantee quality results could end up being worth the added expense in terms of longevity and peace of mind down the road.

Crawl space encapsulation may seem daunting at first glance but armed with knowledge about its advantages (and disadvantages) one can make an informed decision about whether or not it makes sense for their individual situation — safe money now or save headaches later?

Frequently Asked Questions


How Long Does It Take To Complete A Crawl Space Encapsulation Project?

So, you’re asking how long it takes to finish a crawl space encapsulation project? Well, that depends on a lot of things.

First thing’s first – let’s talk about what an encapsulation project actually is. It involves creating an airtight seal around the perimeter of your crawlspace walls so that moisture and water vapor can’t get in or out. This helps prevent mold growth as well as improve energy efficiency within the home. So now we know what it is, let’s look at how long it usually takes.

The timeline for a typical crawl space encapsulation project varies depending on the size and complexity of the job – but generally speaking, most projects will take between 1-2 days to complete. If additional repairs are required before beginning the encapsulation process (such as cleaning up existing mold), then this could add another day or two onto the overall completion time.

Overseeing such a project requires expertise and experience; any contractor should be able to provide references from past jobs to show their level of competency when it comes to these types of tasks. Additionally, if there’s anything else that needs to be done during the course of the job (such as installing new insulation or making structural changes) then this could impact the total timeframe too.

In short: completing a crawl space encapsulation project isn’t something you can do overnight – but with experienced professionals involved on both sides, getting everything finished quickly and efficiently shouldn’t be too much of an issue either.

Are There Any Health Risks Associated With Crawl Space Encapsulation?

Are there any health risks associated with crawl space encapsulation? On the surface, it may seem like a simple fix for a damp and musty basement. But underneath all of that lies an issue we can’t ignore – potential hazards to your family’s wellbeing.

When considering whether or not to go through with such a project, you have to weigh both sides of the argument carefully. Let’s take a look at what could be lurking in your home:

* Risks

* Mold & Mildew: Moisture buildup in your crawl space can lead to mold growth which is hazardous to breathe in. If left untreated, this could worsen over time and cause serious respiratory issues.

* Allergies: Dust mites, pollen, and other allergens can linger in the air if you don’t take preventative measures such as sealing off vents and installing dehumidifiers.

* Benefits

* Improved Air Quality: Once your crawl space has been properly sealed off and insulated, this will greatly reduce humidity levels which helps improve indoor air quality. This also prevents dust from entering into other parts of the house.

* Peace of Mind: Knowing that you’ve taken steps to ensure that no harmful toxins are present makes it easier for homeowners to relax knowing their family is safe from potential dangers!

It’s easy enough to understand why some people might hesitate when presented with the idea of crawl space encapsulation – but let’s face it, most of us want our homes free from contaminants and irritants. By taking proactive action now, not only do you avoid future headaches (and expensive medical bills), but you’ll also gain peace-of-mind knowing your family is breathing clean air without having to worry about unseen threats hiding beneath their feet.

So while there may be some risks involved with doing so, they pale in comparison to how much better everyone feels once everything is done correctly – cleaner air circulation throughout the home along with fewer allergy flare ups make these projects worth every penny spent on them!

Is Crawl Space Encapsulation Suitable For All Types Of Homes?

Is crawl space encapsulation suitable for all types of homes? This is an important question that homeowners must consider before investing in this type of project. To answer it, we’ll look at the key factors to consider when making the decision.

First and foremost, one needs to understand what exactly crawl space encapsulation involves. Essentially, it’s a process by which your crawl space is lined with a vapor barrier and insulation so that moisture can’t enter or get trapped inside. It also helps reduce energy bills by providing better air circulation and temperature regulation throughout your home. By doing this, you are protecting not only your home from mold issues but also helping improve indoor air quality and reducing allergens within the living areas.

When deciding whether or not crawlspace encapsulation is right for your home, there are several aspects to keep in mind:

• The size and shape of your current crawl space: If your existing area doesn’t have adequate room for proper installation then this type of job may not be feasible.

• Your budget: Encapsulating a crawlspace requires more than just buying materials; it will involve labor costs as well. Taking into account how much money you’re able to spend on such a project will help determine if it’s something you can do now or need to save up for later.

• Your climate: Depending on where you live, certain climates require different levels of insulation and/or other special considerations like waterproofing measures due to large amounts of rain or snowfall during certain months of the year.

To sum up, understanding what encapsulating a crawl space entails along with factoring in factors such as size, budget, and environment are necessary elements that should influence whether or not this kind of job is best suited for any particular property owner’s unique situation. Only after taking these things into consideration can one make an informed decision about whether or not they want to move forward with the project.

Does Crawl Space Encapsulation Require A Permit?

Does Crawl Space Encapsulation Require a Permit? It’s a pressing question for many homeowners pondering the pros and cons of this increasingly popular option. Before you can decide if crawl space encapsulation is right for your home, it’s important to consider all aspects of the process – including whether or not a permit is needed.

Firstly, permits are typically required when making structural changes to any building. A permitted job ensures that everything has been done correctly and safely; in addition, since most townships have specific regulations regarding construction work, these must be followed closely. As such, if you plan on implementing crawl space encapsulation yourself, then you’ll need to obtain a permit from your local government before beginning the project.

On the other hand, hiring a professional contractor means they should take care of obtaining the necessary permits themselves. However, even with an expert on board it’s still worth double-checking whether they’ve obtained one before commencing work – especially as penalties for unpermitted projects vary depending on region.

Therefore, if you’re looking into getting crawl space encapsulation installed at your property then it pays to do some research first and find out what kind of permits may be required by law. Knowing about this requirement ahead of time will save you lots of hassle down the line – plus give peace of mind that all parties involved are following proper protocol whilst working onsite!

What Type Of Warranty Is Included With Crawl Space Encapsulation?

When it comes to crawl space encapsulation, the type of warranty that is included with the service can make a huge difference. Crawl spaces are often subject to conditions that could damage any materials used for encapsulating them, so an effective warranty will provide peace of mind and assurance that you won’t be left footing the bill if repairs become necessary.

But not all crawl space warranties are created equal – some may offer more coverage than others, while some might barely cover anything at all. So what should you look for when researching warranties?

First, find out how long the warranty lasts. Some warranties only last one or two years; however, longer ones (upwards of five years) could be available depending on where you purchase your encapsulation supplies from. Also consider whether or not the warranty covers labor expenses in addition to material costs – this is important because any repair work needed may involve additional labor charges over and above just replacing parts. Finally, determine what types of damages would be covered by the warranty – such as water seepage or mold growth due to poor insulation – since these may require specialized cleaning services which aren’t always part of the normal process.

Ultimately, it’s important to shop around and compare different warranties before making a decision about which one suits your needs best – after all, having a good warranty in place can save lots of money down the road if something does go wrong with your crawl space! When done right, investing in quality materials and getting a solid warranty means you get worry-free protection against unexpected issues caused by environmental factors like flooding or humidity levels being too high inside your home.


In conclusion, crawl space encapsulation projects can be a great way to protect your home from moisture and pest infestations. Before embarking on such an endeavor, it’s important for homeowners to consider the pros and cons of this type of project. How long does the job take? Are there any health risks associated with the process? Is it suitable for all types of homes? Do you need a permit? What kind of warranty is included?

Answering these questions will help you determine if this is a good investment for your home. As they say, “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” – making sure that your crawlspace is protected by investing in proper insulation and sealing could save you money down the road.

If done correctly, crawl space encapsulation can provide lasting protection against mold growth and pests while creating airtight seals around pipes and vents which can increase energy efficiency in your home. Ultimately, taking the time to do the research up front will pay dividends when it comes time to reap the rewards!

Of course you can circumvent a lot of the time consuming investigation by just call us for your FREE inspection. We’ll investigate and find the problem(s), explain your options based on our 25+ years of experience and let you make the decision based on your budget and time table.

Crawl space problems do not get better with time. Call us now to give you peace of mind to know exactly what you are dealing with.